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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Made Monday #2 {On Tuesday}

Yeah, yeah, we know it's tuesday, but we're just a day late doing our linky party this week!  So, just pretend it's Monday, m-k?  On second thought, who would want it to be Monday?  Scratch that!  Anyway, I digress...on to some features from last week's party...

 Vocabulators from 4th Grade Frolics

Taco Fiesta Chicken Lasagna from It's a Crafty Life 

Fabric Matching Game from Getting Messy With Miss Jessi

Now, it's your turn for this week!  What have you been up to?  


Here's the directions...
All you have to do is link up to your specific post (not your blog address please), and we would be tickled pink if you would add our little linky party button to your post or somewhere on your blog (you can find the code above).  If you join the party, please visit at least 2 of the other links and leave them some sweet comments! 



  1. Boo! I totally made a really cute clipboard and gave it as a present before taking pictures! I will have to make another one for next Monday :)

    Miss Kindergarten

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