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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Classroom Themes {Ocean}

Dive on into my ocean friends....

This is where my students enjoy reading & they love every minute of sitting inside this pool!

These are my student desks. I use those very cool blue supply caddies (I purchased at Really Good Stuff) and as you can see I use portfolio folders that are laminated and have magnets on them for unfinished work and homework and I call them "Fish Nets." I also have little round circle magnets that can be found at your nearest walmart or craft store to display work or hang up work that needs drying and we call these "Fish Hooks."

Squirt your worries!!

This is my assistant's desk. I feel that it is VERY important to give my assistant a place to put their things and a place where they feel is "theirs." I have had several assistants and they always tell me that they appreciate their own space. 
This is where my kids put their Dolphin Notebooks. I spent my entire summer before my 1st year teaching searching for the "perfect" notebook storage bin, but could not find one that was affordable. My very talented dad built this one for me and it has lasted 4 years so far and I believe it will last me many more!! 
Happy Thursday!


  1. I love your ocean theme classroom! (Especially because I'm doing fish for my classroom this year and am looking for inspiration!)

    I totally agree with giving your assistance their own desk. I make sure mine has her own space as well. I think it's very important and makes her feel really welcomed into the classroom!!

  2. Love it! We're doing ocean theme this year!
    (I don't have an assistant...unless you count the one student I seem to have every year that knows everything! I give them their own desk, too... lol)
    First Grade Blue SKiES

  3. I love the fish hooks an fish nets! Very creative.

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan

  4. Reading inside the pool!! You are inventive!! That makes reading on bean bags so boring. :)

    First Grade Factory

  5. Tell me more about the squirt your worries. I am really trying to focus on character this year in my room. This looks likes a creative idea, but I wanted to know more about it. Could you do a post on this area of your room and the use of it???
    Thanks - Lauren
    I just started blogging about 4 months, come follow me and share!

  6. What a cute room! Being in a year-round makes all that close to impossible since we track in and out of our classrooms! :(


  7. Lauren--take a look at this management post I posed on Monday...

  8. LOVE it!!! Can't wait to post pictures of my beach theme room! :)

    Miss Kindergarten

  9. What does it say on your "Squirt your Worries" sign? Could you post? I love this idea!

  10. I thank you for your assistants own special place in the room. Up until this past school year I never had my own spot. I really enjoyed having one this year.

  11. Where did you get that awesome pool? Would love to get one for my class.

  12. Could you please tell me more about the "Bad Choices Notebook?"

  13. This is amazing! I will defently be doing this next year all we have is a football theme and my room feels so blank! THIS HELPS!!

  14. I love your ocean theme! I think it is so great to have a theme in your classroom. Ocean was a great idea and I bet the students loved it. I really how you a space for the assistant. It makes their job seem even more important. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Would you mind sharing the dimensions of your amazing binder storage? I need this!!!!
