Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Trends in Teaching {Summertime... Playtime or Work time?}

So I don't know about you but I am so LOVING my summer! This is the first year in all 4 years of teaching that I have not actually had to work every day during the summer and it OH SO Amazing! However, I am doing a little babysitting, helping at the Mother's Day Out at my church, and finishing up my Ed.S. so I'm pretty busy, but I also have LOTS of free time! :) 

Like many of you teachers, we are always looking for other things to either make extra money or just to "de-stress" so I have found mine and it just so happens to do BOTH! I am pleased to announce the opening of ....wait for it...... Savvy Chic Designs!! This is your new place to go to find all your needs for invitations, announcements, photo cards and stationary! Keep in mind that we just opened this up last night so please check back often for more additions!

Here is a sample of something we have in our shop for the 4th of July. So if you're planning that BBQ...head on over and check it out!! 

REMEMBER: Savvy Chic Designs for all your invitation, announcement, and photo card needs!

What are ya'll doing this summer?

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