Monday, June 13, 2011

Making a Year Monday {Door Decor}

Hello, beautiful people!  The FBU Girls had a fun night out last week!  We enjoyed a delicious meal at Chili's and then went to see the new movie, "Jumping the Broom" (hilarious, by the way)!  
BUT, while we ate, we did take care of a little blogging "bid-nus"!  We have finally settled on a new blog schedule!  We hope you like it...

  • Making a Year Mondays: ideas for the starting the new school year 
  • Trends in Teaching Tuesdays
  • What I Love Wednesdays
  • Classroom Theme Thursdays: LOTS of ideas for decorating your classroom with a fun theme
  • Fiesta Fridays: creative party ideas
  • Shout Out Saturdays: blog features 
  • Of course, we'll still be offering freebies, letting you know about special reader discounts for printable units, and having fun monthly giveaways!
So, let's get started with today's "Making a Year Monday," with fun classroom door decor!  In my school, decorating our classroom door was not allowed, due to the fire code.  But, I always love seeing how creative some teachers get with their doors.  Take a look at a few ways you could decorate your door for the beginning of school!

Apple Door at Room Mom 101
Title Idea: "Mrs. Jackson's Class is the Pick of the Crop" 

Bee Door at Room Mom 101
Title Idea: "Buzz on in to First Grade!"  "What's buzzing in Kindergarten?"

Garden Door at Room Mom 101
Title Idea: "Look what's growing in our Kinder'garden'!" "First Grade...a room to bloom in!"

Title Ideas: "We're All Stars in Mrs. McDaniel's Room," "An Awesome Cast of Characters"

School Door at Little Illuminations
Title Idea: "School is In!", "Time for School" 

Home Depot Door at Room Mom 101
Title Ideas: "We Are The Sharpest Tools in the Box," "Welcome 'home' to Kindergarten"
If you have a cute door idea in mind for next year, please send us pics when you get it done...we want to see!

P.S. Happy Anniversary to our Queen Bee, Heather!  She & her hubby are celebrating 2 years today! 



  1. i like you guys =)

    mrs tabb

  2. Love all the doors and your new blog design is FAB. :)

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan

  3. Thank you for featuring a picture of my classroom door! LOVE your new blog design by the way!!!

  4. Love the changes! Exciting stuff! :)

  5. I am so excited for the new stuff!! Especially the classroom themes!! I'm doing a fish theme this year and can't wait to decorate!! I also LOVE the bumblebee door! SO CUTE!
