Monday, May 16, 2011

End of the Year Luau

This is a continuation from Darling Dolphin, Jennifer's post from Saturday!  I had an end-of-the-year luau (Survivor) for my kindergartners during the last few years that I was teaching.  I LOVED doing that theme at the end of the year because everyone's mind was on the beach and vacation, so it just seemed to fit.  

We decided to make this hallway display during my last year teaching.  On the plam trees, we added all the kids' cap & gown pictures (that we took ourselves) and then the hut made a perfect picture spot for parents' to take pics during our party!

I realized, in the middle of the night, that I should design a printable collection with a luau theme, so last night, I finished it my KINDER LUAU collection.   I still used some graduation hats, but I incorporated the island colors of hibiscus pink, marigold yellow, and sunset orange (are you envisioning Hawaii yet?)  :)  

So, here is what it looks like...

The price is $4.50, but you can still enter the code GRAD30 and receive 30% off for a new total of $3.15.  
*** UPDATE::  Check out this adorable invitation the Darling Dolphin, Jennifer, made to match all of our Luau printables...

It's available in the shop now, so go check it out HERE!!!


  1. I LOVE this idea of an end of the year Luau! Could you share more about what you do during your luau? (Activities and such)

    Also, I am new to first grade (from 5th) and my principal told me I have to give "end of the year" awards (similar to what you girls give out.) Do you mind sharing more of the titles of the awards that you give away?

  2. Kristen, if you will give us your email address, we would be happy to give you some more info on the awards and luau.

  3. Great! My email is could you also send the different award ideas?
