Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Spring Time Joys {What I Love Wednesdays}

Flip Flops!! Take a look at these I've got my eye on at Old Navy--

Kadee Crocs 
and I'm LOVING the color---hum..I think I see a pattern here...

Sensual Shimmer Body Spray
Sweet Pea- I love to sparkle! :)

PEDICURES....enough said. 

Love me some Army Wives---

NAPS--I think our county is still the only county in the U.S.A. that STILL has not yet taken spring break therefore I am LOVING .....NAPS!
I actually think you may find me doing this at anytime throughout the day-

T-Shirts---just ordered this t-shirt and cannot wait to wear it. 
Click the picture for the link to purchase.

FAITH-- I'm loving that after over a year of husband has finally started the job of his dreams. It is so fantastic to finally see him come home with a smile on his face. It is such a blessing! We did not give up praying and we kept the faith!! God is good...He is good ALL the time! :)

This weather here has been FANTASTIC! I Love to grill out and get together with our friends. This is the perfect season to do that. The best part is....the clean up is SIMPLE!!  

Running- So, I'm training for my 1st 5k. My husband is my trainer...and I'm not really "loving" it, but I'm enjoying spending that extra time with him and I am loving the way my legs and booty are beginning to look. I had no idea there was supposed to be a difference! Ha! Love it....AND the hubs said if I keep up with it for at least 4 weeks he will buy me ANY pair of running shoes I want and so next week... HE IS IN FOR IT! I've got my eyes on these and they are in the 3 digits!! HA. 

Enjoy my friends!! I am off to take a nap!! 
Oh yes....I am! 


1 comment:

  1. I’m so glad for you guys! We were on the same boat, and although my hubby created the job of his dreams, I am very thankful to God that he is happy. It’s very hard not to lose faith when bad things happen… I LOVE your bible verse. So true… I’m thinking of writing it on the computer and framing it. :)

    Thanks for all you give!

