Thursday, December 9, 2010

FREE Reindeer Unit

Hello! Over on my other party design blog, Moo Moo's & Tutus, I posted a FREE printable unit full of reindeer activities to use with little ones!  I wanted to share it with our readers today too! 

Today's unit is "R is for Reindeer," and I'm so excited to do all of these activities with Noah during the next two weeks.  It is 18 pages full of theme, literacy, math, and special snack ideas that you can use with your little one at home or with a room-full of little ones if you teach Pre-K or even Kindergarten!  I hope you enjoy!  If you decide to download my unit, as always, please leave me a comment!

Here's a little peek inside!

Just click the picture below to download the unit!



  1. Wonderful, thank you so much for sharing. I love Reindeer because you can talk about holidays without concentrating too much on Santa. This is perfect for my non Christmas celebrators.

    Ms. M

  2. I would love your reindeer unit, but it will not download.


  3. You should just have to click "file" and then "download." :)

  4. Thanks! I always enjoy reading your blogs!
