Thursday, December 16, 2010
Christmas Party Idea
Party Tip
So the past couple of years I have had the toughest time organizing my classroom parties. Sometimes I'll end up with tons of extra cupcakes and no chips! So, the past two years I decided to take up an activities collection to cover all winter expenses. I usually ask for around $10.00 a child depending on the year and the activities I have planned. Now, this money will cover ALL crafts and ALL party supplies. This way you (the teacher) can grab everything you need and will not have to rely on anyone to get anything and you also will not have to worry about parents forgetting or the dreaded... extras! This has worked out so well for me!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
FREE Reindeer Unit
Hello! Over on my other party design blog, Moo Moo's & Tutus, I posted a FREE printable unit full of reindeer activities to use with little ones! I wanted to share it with our readers today too!
Today's unit is "R is for Reindeer," and I'm so excited to do all of these activities with Noah during the next two weeks. It is 18 pages full of theme, literacy, math, and special snack ideas that you can use with your little one at home or with a room-full of little ones if you teach Pre-K or even Kindergarten! I hope you enjoy! If you decide to download my unit, as always, please leave me a comment!
Here's a little peek inside!
Just click the picture below to download the unit!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Playful Penguins
Petroleum Jelly |
so I cannot take an credit, but I have tweaked it and made it my own, of course!
First we start out with petroleum jelly on our hands and I go around to all the kids and have them dip their hands inside ice water and pull them out. They notice that the water rolls off just as it would on a penguin's feathers.
Glove & Ice |
Penguin Puppet |
They love this! I am actually doing this experiment with my class tomorrow and will upload pictures as soon as possible. In the mean time I will include a recording sheet that my students use to record their findings.
Enjoy the freebie!!