Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Organize it Tuesday!

Hey friends!  Hope everyone is having a fabulous week so far!  It is hard to believe October is almost over! As for getting organized this week, I am going to follow up with my notebooks.  I am glad to hear you all like this idea!  I LOVE my notebooks!  They make planning so much easier.  I am including some pictures of one of my notebooks this week.  Lets talk about the "guts" of the notebook.  I had to go through my files and get rid of some stuff.  All teachers are guilty of hanging on to way too many things.  I found that I had multiple copies of different items.  I also found that some things had been filed in the wrong folder (easy to do when using a filing cabinet that is FULL-LOL!)!  So, I went through all my materials, keeping only one master copy of each item.  I marked my masters with a yellow highlighter.  When you copy, the yellow does not show up.  Great way of keeping up with the originals!  After I weeding through my paper work, I then organized them, hole punched and placed in the appropriate notebook.  If I had a project that I made an example of I placed it in front of the papers need to create the project.  The notebook is divided on the inside by letter and theme.  There are so many options to use with this organization technique.  We would love to hear if you use notebooks to organize your materials, and how you do it!  Enjoy the picture!

                     Front Cover of "H" Book

Spine of "H" Book (just labeled with a sharpie)

                Inside tabs for letter "H" book


  1. I've just started doing something like this this year. I teach American Literature to eleventh graders in Louisiana. My comprehensive curriculum has seven units, so I bought seven binders at the beginning of the year, as well as a whole bunch of plastic sheet protectors. As I've been teaching this year, when I begin an activity, I dig what I need out of my filing cabinet, place the master in the plastic sleeve, and verify that everything in the folder in the cabinet is supposed to be there, marking folders I've already checked with a yellow marker.

    Next year, all I will have to do to plan my lessons is open my binder- everything I need is in there, in the order that I need it, and I have class sets of everything I need in my filing cabinet. It will make planning and tweaking the curriculum much easier.

  2. LOVE your site! =) I was wondering how you get your font to look so fun on here? Is it something I can do on mine too? =)
