Monday, September 20, 2010

"Boo"tify Your School

Want a fun Halloween idea for your school this year?  Get all the teachers & staff excited about this spooky season by having a Secret Boo-ing!

Brand new to the shop today is our "BOO-TIFY YOUR SCHOOL" printable file.  It includes a "I've Been Booed" Sign and an Instruction Page.

{This is what you do...}
1.  Purchase our listing here.
2.  Print out the files.
3. Make or buy a Halloween treat.
4. Secretly deliver the sign, instructions, and goodie to a fellow teacher.
5. S/he puts the "I've Been Booed" sign on/near his/her classroom door and then "Boos" another teacher.
6.  The fun continues until your school is officially "boo"tiful!

**Hint:  If you purchase this item, you can make several copies and put them in a central location in your building (workroom, office, etc), then teachers can just take one when it's their turn to do the boo-ing!

We've done this before at our school, and it really is a lot of fun!!!  Happy Haunting!!! :}

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